
New 岩国米軍基地 ペットのトリマー


米軍基地内 ペットトリマー Pet Groomer

岩国米軍基地 ペットのトリマー


098-923-4117 098-923-4117

職種 その他医療・介護・保育
仕事内容 【お仕事内容】


Job Duties
・Perform detailed inspections to determine the appropriateness of grooming for pets
・Responsible for combing, clipping, trimming, brushing, and shaping coats for dogs, cats, and other pets
・Bathe and dry pets using special solutions to prevent fleas, ticks, and pests
・Determine the most appropriate cutting pattern based on the pet's body proportions
・Use electric clippers and shears to cut pets' hair according to desired styles
・Safely place pets on the grooming table and keep them calm during the process
・Provide basic care, including feeding and watering pets as per the owner's instructions
・Clean and sanitize kennels, feeding areas, and grooming equipment
・Discuss feeding habits, vaccination history, and care requirements with pet owners
・Provide information about facility operations, manage reservations, calculate fees, and process payments
・Assist with emergency situations if necessary
・Perform tasks independently as assigned
勤務形態 派遣社員
期間 長期(3か月以上)
時給 1,200円~
研修有無・研修期間 研修あり
研修詳細 ・研修詳細:OJTにて1週間以上研修実施
交通費 規定内で交通費支給有 Transportation expenses provided within the specified limits.
待遇・その他 「社保制度あり(当社規定)」「退職金・昇給あり(当社規定)」
都道府県 山口県
勤務地 岩国市
アクセス JR岩国駅から車で約10分 Ten minutes from Iwakuni Station by car
応募資格・必要な経験 必要資格
・Microsoft Officeの基本操作

・Pet grooming certification or related field (must provide a copy with the application)
・9+ months experience in animal care, clinics, kennels, or pet shops preferred
・Ability to lift up to 50 lbs
・Basic Microsoft Office skills
・Familiarity with animal feeding and water needs
・Knowledge of grooming standards for various dog and cat breeds, anatomy, and hygiene changes
・Ability to spot early signs of health issues (e.g., ear infections, skin problems, tooth decay)
・High standards for cleanliness and professionalism
・Skilled in safely handling and controlling animals without causing harm.
勤務時間 8:15-17:15 ※休憩60分
8:00-17:00 ※休憩60分
シフト・休日休暇 ・勤務シフト:予約状況による

予約がない日はKennel Assistant としての就労可。

Work Schedule: Depending on the appointments
Days Off: Depending on the appointments
Overtime: Rarely occurs

You can work as a Kennel assistant when you do not have the appointments.
特徴 高収入・高額・高給 前給OK(日払い) 未経験・初心者歓迎 主婦(夫)歓迎 学生歓迎 新卒・第二新卒歓迎 フリーター歓迎 外国人・留学生歓迎 副業・WワークOK ブランク有OK 経験者優遇 車通勤OK バイク通勤OK 交通費支給 社会保険制度あり 髪型・髪色自由 髭(ひげ)OK ネイルOK ピアスOK 友達と応募OK
タイトル 岩国米軍基地 ペットのトリマー
就業先について ・動物好き必見!

・Perfect for animal lovers!
・Skill development!
・International work environment!
・Build trust with pet owners!
受動喫煙対策 屋内原則禁煙(屋外に喫煙場所あり)


098-923-4117 098-923-4117

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